Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ryan, Eden and the doctor's appointment

Ryan spent time at Papa and Nana's in Anderson, SC while Michael and I were in the hospital with Eden. He arrived back home on Monday afternoon and got to meet his newest little sister for the first time.

He is a proud big brother and is very sweet to her. He is constantly doting on her and exclaiming, "She is the cutest baby!"

Tuesday morning was another big day for Eden as she had her very first doctor's appointment. They schedule all new babies' appointments first thing in the morning which is appreciated by parents everywhere. There is nothing like getting very little sleep the night before and having to awaken to an alarm so you make sure you don't sleep through your appointment!

But we got up and ready and Eden got a clean bill of health. She will not go back for another two weeks.

One of the items Ryan brought back from his stay with Papa and Nana was a book about knights which included a chess game and some (very minor) instructions. He has been itching to play his new chess game each evening and unfortunately, none of us have ever learned to play chess.

Grandma spent Tuesday afternoon with Ryan and they spent some time at the library and out to lunch. While they visited the library they checked out a new book that explains in more detail the rules of chess, so they were able to set up the chess board and play a round. Of course Ryan won.

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