Friday, November 13, 2009

Another year...

Another 365 days have flown by somehow and I am another year older. I am trying not to think about it too much honestly because I don't want to get caught up in the whole age game. I am very thankful that I am alive another year and that I am able to watch my children grow day by day because I know there are other people that don't have that luxury.

Anyway, birthdays certainly aren't like they were when I was a kid. I would count down the days until my next birthday and spend weeks in anxious excited wonder about what birthday presents might be coming my way. Now I like to keep it on the down low.

You can see the lovely birthday cake I made for myself today in the photo above. Michael did offer to buy one but the thought of another store bought cake did not excite me much considering we still have the remnants of Avery's birthday cake hanging around.

Michael, Eden and I went out to dinner at Outback since I had my coupon for a free Bloomin' Onion. It has been a while since we had eaten there and for some reason, it just seemed a lot more expensive than I remember. And although we had to take turns holding Eden the entire time since she was not about to hang out in her car seat by herself, we had a good meal.

Then we came home, relieved the babysitter and the kids let me open a couple of presents. So the picture above was taken with part of the crew in their pajamas and part not quite there yet. Oh well! Besides the fact that I look like a beached whale in the picture, I thought Michael captured a couple of good shots of the kids. Check these out...

Emma loves to take pictures with Eden. Actually all of the kids do and we had to let each of them take a turn holding her. Only she didn't last long and started to cry during most of the shots.

I didn't realize this picture had so much red eye until just now! Ignore that if you can. Eden is quite alert these days. She looks stunned in this picture but then again, she is probably pretty worn out at this point.

And onto another year we go...

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