Monday, March 30, 2009

Pray for little Stellan

Please keep MckMama's youngest 5-month-old son, Stellan, in your prayers right now. Stellan has been struggling with SVT for over a week now. SVT is a type of heart rhythm disorder in which the heart beats faster than normal.

They have been trying all different kinds of treatments and medications but nothing has worked successfully yet to bring him out of SVT. His little heart is getting worn out continually going at this fast rate and his heart is no longer pumping blood very well to his extremities.

You can follow his mother's blog and updates here at: and you can find a link to her blog on my blog list on my side panel or just by clicking on the "Stellan" button on the right.

Please keep Stellan and his family in your prayers and pray for guidance for his doctors and nurses as they continue to try and bring Stellan's heart into a normal rhythm.

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