Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chalk families

One afternoon the kids were coloring with chalk on the driveway. Emma and Ryan both created artwork representing our new family of six. Emma's family interpretation looked a little more like the talking M&M's from commercials.

And Ryan's family picture is a rosy example of how we wish we were at all times. Stick skinny and do you notice the big heart floating over us? Both pictures were very sweet and made me smile each time I walked outside until it rained today.

And what would the day be without the daily dose of new Eden pictures!?!

As usual, she is fast asleep in most of these!

Except this one - wide awake in the baby swing (with the crazy hair going on)!

I had to snap this one because I knew after I dressed her in these froggy p.j.s, it would be the one and only time she would fit into them snapped shut!

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