Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Peanut Butter and Jelly

I just finished making Ryan, Emma and Avery's school lunches for tomorrow. The girls have "lunch bunch" tomorrow so they stay an extra hour in preschool and eat lunch with their classmates.

There are moments when I look down at what I am doing and think, "How weird are my kids?!?"

I have one (Ryan) that will only eat peanut butter, so I make him a peanut butter sandwich. I have another (Emma) that is the only reasonable one and eats peanut butter AND jelly. And then you have the really strange one (Avery) who will only eat jelly on her sandwich. Strange! Who eats only jelly on their sandwich!!!

Anyway, there you have it... I make three different kind of sandwiches for my children.

And...Today Eden turned 7 months old! My baby is not so much of a baby anymore. I will get the 7 month pictures posted of her tomorrow (hopefully)!

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