Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weekend update

The last few days we have been taking turns exchanging the stomach virus that seems to be running rampant around Lexington. First me, then Emma, then Ryan, Michael, and finally Eden. Somehow Avery missed out on the fun. So, we haven't been up to much of anything the last few days.

This weekend however, was a busy one. Saturday in particular. Michael and Ryan got up and going early Saturday to pick up canned goods for a Boy Scout fundraiser. As soon as they returned home it was time for Avery and I to zip on over to EdVenture Children's Museum for a birthday party (Avery's first)!

As soon as we got back from the party, Michael took Ryan to a rollerskating rink for another birthday party. They then had to cut out of the party a little early so they could help set up for a Boy Scout spaghetti dinner fundraiser that night. I brought the three girls over for the spaghetti dinner and then we left to go over to our church for their second "PJ's and a Movie" night. The kids enjoyed the newest Veggie Tales movie and then it was time to put them all to bed.

It was a long day! I am thinking it is just a little taste of what is to come over the next few years. With four kids in school, we'll probably be hitting up birthday parties and group activities multiple times every weekend. I can't wait!

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